
Last Updated: 24 August 2014

Mine Action

Contamination and Impact

The Republic of India is contaminated with mines, mainly as a result of large-scale mine-laying by government forces on and near the Line of Control separating Indian and Pakistani forces during the 2001–02 stand-off between the two states. Antipersonnel and antivehicle mines were laid on cultivated land and pasture, as well as around infrastructure and a number of villages. Despite occasional official claims that all the mines laid were subsequently cleared, reports of contamination and casualties have continued. According to one report in November 2013, the government has reported that about 2,000 hectares (20km2) of irrigated land was still mined in the Akhnoor sector alone.[1]

Mine Action Program

India has no civilian mine action program. The Director-General of Military Operations decides on mine clearance after receiving assessment reports from the command headquarters of the respective districts where mine clearance is needed. The Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for clearing mines as well as improvised explosive devices (IEDs) placed by non-state armed groups. Media reports have indicated police also play an active part in clearing mines and IEDs in states dealing with insurgency.


[1] Ashutosh Sharma, “Heavy rainfall worsening landmine peril for Kashmiri farmers,” Thomson Reuters Foundation, 5 November 2013.