
Last Updated: 29 November 2014

Mine Ban Policy

Mine ban policy overview

Mine Ban Treaty status

State Party

National implementation measures

Adopted in 2000

Transparency reporting

Not since 2005

Key developments

In 2013 and 2014, there were numerous reports of the use of antivehicle mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by armed opposition groups participating in the armed conflict

The Republic of Mali signed the Mine Ban Treaty on 3 December 1997, ratified on 2 June 1998, and became a State Party on 1 March 1999.

National implementation measures adopted in 2000 include penal sanctions and fines.[1] Mali last submitted an Article 7 transparency report for the Mine Ban Treaty in 2005.[2]

Mali attended the Mine Ban Treaty Third Review Conference in Maputo, Mozambique in June 2014, but made no statements. It has participated in several Meetings of States Parties of the Mine Ban Treaty, but not since 2011.

Production, transfer, and stockpiling

Mali has never produced or exported antipersonnel landmines. In 1998, it destroyed a stockpile of 7,127 antipersonnel mines, together with 5,131 antivehicle mines.[3] In 2003, Mali reported that it retained 600 antipersonnel mines for training purposes, but it has never reported any use of these mines.[4]


Mali stated in 2001 that it had never used antipersonnel mines and that there had been no reports of use by government forces or Tuareg rebels.[5]

In January 2012, an armed conflict began in the north of the country between the Malian government and its allies versus armed opposition groups allied with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). In January 2013, the French military began operations in cooperation with the government of Mali to help to re-take areas in the north of the country. Military personnel from African Union states deployed as part of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali, while the UN deployed the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali.

In 2013 and 2014, there were several reports indicating the use of either antivehicle mines or IEDs by armed opposition groups participating in the armed conflict. Between November 2013 and July 2014 there were several antivehicle mines incidents that caused civilian casualties, including aid workers and UN peacekeepers.[6]

In July 2012, a non-state armed group called the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa claimed it had laid antipersonnel mines near the city of Gao. After several apparent landmine casualties near Gao in early 2013, Mali’s Minister of Foreign Affairs accused AQIM of using antipersonnel mines.[7] The ICBL described the reported landmine use as “disturbing.”[8] However, no antipersonnel mines were ever recovered from the area.


[1] Two legal texts, an ordinance, and a decree prohibit the development, manufacturing, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, offer, import, export, transfer, and use of antipersonnel mines. Breach of the legislation is punishable with a maximum of life imprisonment and a fine of between CFA500,000 and CFA3 million (approximately US$1,150 to $6,900). Ordinance No. 049/P-RM on the Implementation of the Convention, adopted on 27 September 2000; and Decree No. 569/P-RM on the Application of the Ordinance, adopted on 15 November 2000. An interministerial National Commission for a Total Ban on Landmines was established in June 2002 to take responsibility for the mine issue. See Landmine Monitor Report 2002, p. 341.

[2] Mali’s initial Article 7 report was due 27 August 1999 and submitted 17 May 2001. Additional reports were provided on 31 July 2003, 15 September 2004, and 8 July 2005.

[3] Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Form B, 17 May 2001.

[4] Ibid., Form D, 31 July 2003. Mali initially reported in 2001 that it retained 2,000 antipersonnel and 1,000 antivehicle mines for training purposes. In 2003, it reported having consumed 1,400 antipersonnel mines and 700 antivehicle mines during training activities.

[5] Statement of the Ministry of Defense, Seminar on the Universalization and Implementation of the Ottawa Convention in Africa, Bamako, 16 February 2001.

[6] See, for example: “Officials: 4 people killed in landmine explosion in northern Mali,” The Washington Post, 5 November 2013; “Land mine injures 5 Chadian peacekeepers patrolling in northern Mali,” Fox News, 20 January 2014; “Two aid workers injured in landmine explosion in Mali,” World Bulletin, 27 February 2014; and Land mine kills UN peacekeeper in northern Mali,” Grand Island Independent, 1 July 2014.

[7] Jeffery Schaffer, “AP Interview: Mali Wants Help Against Land Mines,” Associated Press, 4 February 2013. For example, on 4 February 2013 the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated that two civilians had died in an explosion involving a landmine or an IED on the road between Kidal, Anefis, and North Darane. “UN: 2 civilians killed by land mines in north Mali,” Associated Press (Timbuktu), 4 February 2013.

[8] ICBL Press Release, “Landmine Use in Malian Conflict Disturbing,” 12 February 2013.