
Last Updated: 30 October 2013

Support for Mine Action

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela stated in its Article 5 deadline extension request in 2008 that it would assume the full costs of its mine clearance and that funds would be allocated in Venezuela’s annual budget. The request included a budget of VEF30 million (US$14 million) to clear 13 mined areas by 2014.[1] Since then, Venezuela’s currency has significantly devalued; in 2012, VEF30 million was the equivalent of just $7 million.[2] Venezuela completed clearance of mined areas in May 2013 but did not report the costs of the clearance.[3]


[1] Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 31 March 2008, p. 4. Average exchange rate for 2008: VEF2.14=US$1. US Federal Reserve, “List of Exchange Rates (Annual),” 3 January 2012.

[2] Average exchange rate for 2012: VEF4.29=US$1. US Federal Reserve, “List of Exchange Rates (Annual),” 3 January 2012.

[3] Statement of Venezuela, Mine Ban Treaty Standing Committee on Mine Clearance, Geneva, 27 May 2013.