Major Findings

© Ole Solvang, Human Rights Watch, July 2014 -- A sign just north of Donetsk, Ukraine, reads “Detour: Mines.” Allegations of landmine use and the presence of landmine stocks have been documented, but as of October 2014 it was not possible to determine whether antipersonnel mines had been used or by whom.

In 2014, States Parties committed to the goal a mine-free world by 2025 when they agreed to the Maputo Declaration at the Mine Ban Treaty’s Third Review Conference in June. Landmine Monitor 2014 details progress toward that goal, recording the lowest number of new casualties ever and the completion of clearance obligations in four states. However, in 2013, many states remained behind on their clearance plans and global funding for mine action decreased compared to 2012.

Treaty Status

There are 162 States Parties and one signatory to the Mine Ban Treaty.


From September 2013 through October 2014, the Monitor confirmed new use of antipersonnel mines by the government forces of Syria and Myanmar, states not party to the Mine Ban Treaty, as well as by military forces in the internationally unrecognized breakaway area of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Non-state armed groups used antipersonnel mines or victim-activated improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan, Colombia, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen.

No new use of antipersonnel landmines by a State Party was confirmed to have occurred during the reporting period, but Yemen did admit that a violation of the ban on use occurred in 2011.

Stockpile Destruction

Collectively, States Parties have destroyed more than 48 million stockpiled antipersonnel mines, including more than 1 million destroyed in 2013.

In June 2014, China and the United States made important announcements regarding their antipersonnel mine stockpiles, with China stating that it held less than five million (compared to the long-standing estimate of 110 million), and the United States stating it held some three million (compared to the more than 10 million previously reported by the government).

Transfer and Production

For the past decade, the global trade in antipersonnel mines has consisted of a low level of illicit and unacknowledged transfers, but the appearance of mines in Sudan and Yemen indicates that some form of market for, and trade in, antipersonnel mines exists.

Down from a total of more than 50 producing states before the Mine Ban Treaty’s existence, currently only 11 states are identified as potential producers of antipersonnel mines: China, Cuba, India, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam.

Non-state armed groups in Afghanistan, Colombia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Tunisia produce antipersonnel mines, mostly in the form of victim-activated improvised explosive devices.


In 2013, recorded casualties caused by mines, victim-activated improvised explosive devices, cluster munition remnants, and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) decreased to the lowest level since the Monitor started recording casualties in 1999.

Casualties were identified in 52 states and three other areas in 2013, of which 34 are States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty.

Contamination and Land Release

Some 56 states and four other areas were confirmed to be mine-affected as of October 2014. A further six states have either suspected or residual mine contamination.

At least 185km² of mined areas were cleared in 2013—less than the at least 200km² in 2012—destroying almost 275,000 antipersonnel mines and 4,500 antivehicle mines.

In 2013, three States Parties formally declared completion of clearance of all known mined areas: Bhutan, Hungary, and Venezuela. Burundi completed clearance of its suspected mined areas in April 2014.

Victim Assistance

Most States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty with significant numbers of mine victims made considerable progress in victim assistance under the Cartagena Action Plan (2009–2014), establishing a solid starting point to rapidly accelerate under the Maputo Action Plan (2014–2019) the kinds of achievements that make a real impact on the lives of victims.

At the Mine Ban Treaty’s Third Review Conference all States Parties committed to advance the full, equal, and effective participation of mine victims in society. Statements made during the session on victim assistance and by 40 states during the high-level segment stressed the importance of commitments on victim assistance.

Support for Mine Action

Donors and affected states contributed approximately US$647 million in international and national support for mine action in 2013, a decrease of $34 million (5%) from 2012 when the contributions recorded totaled $681 million.

International assistance in 2013 was $446 million, a decrease of almost $51 million from 2012.

Eighteen affected states provided $201 million in national support for their own mine action programs, an increase of $17 million compared with 2012.

In addition to those contributions, appropriations from the UN General Assembly for mine action within 11 peacekeeping operations provided $150 million in 2013, an increase of 33% compared with 2012.

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