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Press Releases » Landmine Monitor Report 2009: List of Release Events

Landmine Monitor Report 2009: List of Release Events


On Thursday 12 November, the major, global findings of Landmine Monitor Report 2009 will be released during a press conference at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. On and after 12 November, national and regional release events will be held in Afghanistan, Belarus, Belgium, Colombia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Peru, Senegal, Syria, Tajikistan, Uganda, the United States, Yemen, and Zambia.

For more information, to amend an event listing, or to inform us of a release event not listed, please email lm@icbl.org.

Global Release Events

CYBERSPACE: Online report release – 12 November

  • 01:00 GMT online at www.lm.icbl.org/lm/2009
  • Release of the Annual Report and Executive Summary

SWITZERLAND: Global Release – 12 November

  • 10:30 GMT/ 11:30 local time
  • Press conference in at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
  • Program: Release of the major, global report findings, followed by a question and answer period

SWITZERLAND: Online Press Briefing – 12 November

  • 13:30-14:30 GMT/ 14:30-15:30 local time
  • Online press briefing conducted live from Geneva, Switzerland
  • Program: Release of the major, global report findings, followed by a moderated question and answer period, for media not present at the morning press conference

National Report Release Events

Afghanistan – 12 November

  • Time TBC
  • Press conference in Kabul organized by the Afghan Landmine Survivors’ Organization
  • Program: TBC
  • Related activities: Publication of Landmine Monitor report for Afghanistan in Dari and Pashto; reports will be distributed to the government, embassies, UN agencies, and NGOs in Kabul
  • Contact: Sulaiman Aminy, sulimanaminy@gmail.com

Belarus – Multiple events from November–February

  • Press release: 12 November
  • Music concert presentations: November–December 2009
  • Community presentations: November–December 2009, January–February 2010
  • Activities: Circulation of a press release, and presentations of report findings to government officials, in communities, and at music concerts conducted by the Belarus Campaign to Ban Landmines and the Belarus Youth Campaign to Ban Landmines
  • Contact: Iouri Zagoumennov, izaglm@yahoo.com

Belgium – 12 November

  • Time TBC
  • Location: International Press Centre, Brussels
  • Press conference organized at the International Press Centre in Brussels by Handicap International and targeting Belgian media
  • Circulation of a press release by Handicap International
  • Contacts: Stan Brabant, stan.brabant@handicap.be and Jeroen Van Hove, Jeroen.VanHove@Handicap.be

Cambodia – 17 November

  • Time TBC
  • 17 November: Release of report findings as well as Handicap International’s Voices from the Ground report to mine-affected communities, NGOs, and government officials in Battambang
  • Contact: Ny Nhar, nynhar@yahoo.com

Colombia – 25 November

  • 14:00-16:30 GMT/ 9:00-11:30 local time
  • Location: El Rosario University in Bogotá
  • Press conference in Bogota releasing report findings for the Americas and specifically Colombia, drawing Colombia’s attention to the landmine issue, and encouraging people to get involved in eliminating landmines, organized by the Campaña Colombiana contra Minas (CCCM), ICBL, and GTO-14
  • Program: Presentations by ICBL Executive Director Sylvie Brigot, the GTO14, Mary Wareham of Landmine Monitor, Camilo Serna of CCCM, Alvaro Jiménez Millan, and Camilo Reyes from the Rosario University followed by an “open house” for media to ask questions and engage with the ICBL and Landmine Monitor
  • Contact: Camilo Serna, camilo@colombiasinminas.org

Democratic Republic of the Congo – 14 November

  • Press conference presenting the major findings of the report and a photo exhibit at the Conference room of the French Alliance of Kinshasa.
  • Contact: Francky Miantuala, francky_tos@yahoo.fr

Egypt – 23 November

France – 12 November

  • Time 10:00 GMT/ 11 am local time
  • Location: Paris
  • Press conference organized by Handicap International at the Maison des Métallos (94 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud) in Paris to release report findings

  • Program: Presentations by Jean Marc Boivin of Handicap International and Philippe Cosson, a director who recently released a film on the humanitarian consequences of US bombing of Lao PDR, will speak about his film and the United States position on landmines.

  • Contact: Camille Gosselin, cgosselin@handicap-international.org

Georgia – TBC

  • Details TBC
  • Related activities: Distribution of the Landmine Monitor report for Georgia in Georgian

India – 21 November

  • Time 10:00am–1pm local time
  • Location: Conference Room, Control Arms Foundation of India, New Delhi
  • Landmine Monitor Report 2009 will be launched by Dr. Thockchom Meinya, Member of Parliament. The launch will be followed by a panel discussion on report findings in New Delhi hosted by the Control Arms Foundation of India. Atendees will include government officials, academics, and NGOs
  • Contact: Binalakshmi Nepram, Binalakshmi@gmail.com

Indonesia – 12 November

  • Time TBC
  • Film screening and distribution of the Landmine Monitor report for Indonesia in Indonesian, organized by Jesuit Refugee Service
  • Contact: Lars Stenger, larsstenger@jrs.or.id

Japan – 12 November and 15 November

  • Circulation of a press release on 12 November, followed by a presentation on report findings at a symposium on landmines, cluster munitions, and nuclear weapons organized on 15 November, organized by the Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines
  • Contact: Junko Utsumi, utsumi@jcbl-ngo.org

Nepal – 12 November

  • Details TBC

Peru – TBC

Senegal – 12 November

  • Details TBC
  • Contact: Mamady Gassama, gassamamamady@yahoo.fr

Sri Lanka – Week of 16–20 November

  • Details TBC
  • Contact: Prasanna Kuruppu, pkuruppu@sltnet.lk

Sudan – TBC

  • Time TBC

  • Press conference and briefing on report findings in Khartoum organized by the Sudan Campaign to Ban Landmines

  • Contact: Abu Osama Abdalla, aboosamaa@yahoo.com

Syria – 13 November and 22 December

  • Circulation of a press release on 13 November and reception for NGOs and media to release report findings in Damascus on 22 December, organized by the Arab Network on Landmines and ERW
  • Contact: Ghassan Shahrour, Ghassan.dr@gmail.com


  • Translation and distribution of the Landmine Monitor report for Taiwan in Cantonese

Tajikistan – 23 November

  • Press conference and briefing organized by the Tajikistan Campaign to Ban Landmines (TCBL) in Dushanbe for government officials, mine action operators, NGOs, and the media
  • Contact: Aziza Hakimova, tajikistan@icbl.org

Turkey – TBC

  • Details TBC

Uganda – TBC

  • Campaign workshop including a briefing on Landmine Monitor report findings for Uganda
  • Contact: Margaret Arach Orech, margaret@icbl.org

United States – 16 November

  • Briefing on report findings at a campaign event involving media and government officials, organized by Landmines Blow! at the University of West Virginia in Morgantown
  • Contact: Alison Bock, info@landminesblow.com

Yemen – 25 November

  • Time TBC
  • Workshop for civil society and government officials to release report findings and call on Yemen to fulfill all its Mine Ban Treaty obligations and join the Convention on Cluster Munitions, organized in Aden by the Yemen Mine Awareness Association
  • Contact: Aisha Saeed, asaeed@scsmena.org

Zambia – 20 November

  • Details TBC