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Country Reports
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, Landmine Monitor Report 2001
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An unprecedented compilation of this magnitude requires contributions from a broad network of individuals, campaigns and organizations, coordination by a dedicated team and financial support from a number of donors.

This report contains country reports written by 122 Landmine Monitor researchers from 95 countries of the world selected by the Landmine Monitor Core Group. They are cited separately in the List of Contributors. Landmine Monitor is grateful to everyone who contributed research to this report, especially those individuals, campaigns and organizations who contributed reports at their own cost. We wish to thank the scores of individuals, campaigns, non-governmental and international organizations, mine action practitioners, and governments who provided valuable and timely information to our researchers.

We are grateful to the Coordination Team and Working Groups of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines for providing the sections on ICBL activities and for their essential assistance in the release and distribution of the annual Landmine Monitor reports. We thank the invited governments, United Nations agencies, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and non-governmental organizations for submitting reports on their activities which are included in the appendices to this report. The entities contributing to the appendices of this report do not necessarily endorse the rest of the Landmine Monitor Report 2001 and they are in no way responsible for other material contained in this report. Likewise, Landmine Monitor does not necessarily endorse, nor does it take responsibility for the accuracy of, material included in the appendices.

Responsibility for the coordination of Landmine Monitor’s reporting network lies with the five Core Group organizations and additional organizations and individuals:

  • Human Rights Watch (Stephen Goose, Mark Hiznay, Hannah Novak, Alex Vines and Mary Wareham) is the main contact point for Landmine Monitor, thematic coordinator on ban policy and regional research coordinator for the Middle East/North Africa, Pacific, and one of the regional research coordinators for Africa;
  • Handicap International (Stan Brabant, Sheree Bailey, Pauline Crick, Annalisa Formiconi and Véronique Royen) is the thematic coordinator on victim assistance and regional research coordinator for Asia and Francophone Africa;
  • Kenya Coalition Against Landmines (Mereso Agina and Cornelius Nyamboki) is one of the regional research coordinators for Africa;
  • Mines Action Canada (Paul Hannon, Rita Armstrong, Charlie Avendaño, Nancy Ingram and Celina Tuttle) is responsible for Landmine Monitor’s Database and regional research coordinator for the Americas. The tables contained in this report were prepared by Mines Action Canada;
  • Norwegian People’s Aid (Christian Ruge, Per Nergaard and Janecke Wille) is thematic coordinator for mine action;
  • Landmine Action (Ian Doucet) is regional research coordinator for Europe;
  • Stuart Maslen is thematic coordinator for mine awareness;
  • South African Campaign to Ban Landmines operating as Mines Action Southern Africa (Noël Stott) is one of the regional research coordinators for Africa;
  • Jody Williams is regional research coordinator for the Former Soviet Union.

Initial edits on Landmine Monitor Report 2001 were completed by the regional research coordinators from May to July 2001 and final editing was at the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch in June and July 2001. The final editing team consisted of Stephen Goose (chief editor), Mary Wareham, Mark Hiznay, Stuart Maslen (consultant), Alex Vines, and Jody Williams (ICBL Ambassador and member of the Advisory Committee of the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch). Editorial assistance and review was provided by various members of the Human Rights Watch staff. Valerie Martin, Alexander Melikishvili, Katie McKenna, Anna Sullivan and Ryan Sutton provided additional research and editorial assistance. Mary Wareham served as the overall coordinator for the production of the report. Hannah Novak of the Arms Division proof-read, formatted and provided production assistance, with the aid of William Browder, and Patrick Minges. Human Rights Watch was responsible for the printing of Landmine Monitor Report 2001 and for the web version of the report, in cooperation with the ICBL webmaster Kjell Knudsen. Rafael Jiménez and Glen Ruga provided design and Jasmine Desclaux Salachas and Michael S. Miller provided maps for Landmine Monitor Report 2001.

We are grateful to the hosts of the ten regional meetings and one international meeting necessary to bring together the Landmine Monitor’s reporting network and facilitate production of this third report:

  • Ukrainian Peacekeepers Veterans Association (especially Yuri Donskoy, Sergey Pashinsky and Mikhail Mykhailenko) for hosting the 16-18 October 2000 meeting in Yalta, Ukraine for researchers from the Former Soviet Union;
  • Servicio Paz y Justicia Argentina/SERPAJ (especially Juan de Wandelaer and Carlos Maydana) for hosting the 4-5 November 2000 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina for researchers from the Americas;
  • Institute for Practical Research and Training (especially Ahmed Esa) for hosting the 15-18 November 2000 meeting in Djibouti for researchers from Africa;
  • Association for Aid and Relief, Japan/AAR (especially Yukika Sohma and Yukie Osa) for hosting the 22-23 November 2000 meeting in Tokyo, Japan for researchers from Asia;
  • Juris Club and Centre International pour la Recherche de la Paix (especially Désiré Assogbavi for hosting the 29-30 November 2000 meeting in Lomé, Togo for researchers from Africa;
  • Landmine Action (especially Ian Doucet) for hosting the 5 December 2000 meeting in Geneva, Switzerland for researchers from Europe;
  • Landmines Resource Center (especially Habbouba Aoun) for hosting the 11-12 January 2001 meeting in Beirut, Lebanon for researchers from the Middle East and North Africa;
  • Mines Action Southern Africa formerly the South African Campaign to Ban Landmines (especially Noël Stott and Gina Walsh) for hosting the 18-20 January 2001 meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa for researchers from Africa;
  • Thailand Campaign to Ban Landmines and Nonviolence International South East Asia for hosting the 18-20 January 2001 meeting in Bangkok, Thailand for researchers from Asia-Pacific;
  • Ban Landmines Campaign Nepal (especially Purna Shova Chitrakar) for hosting the 28-31 January meeting in Kathmandu, Nepal for researchers from Asia.
  • Human Rights Watch and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (especially Elizabeth Bernstein, Jackie Hansen, Claudette David, Kjell Knudsen, Jette Hansen and Dalma Føldes) for co-hosting the 8-9 March 2001 global meeting of all 2001 researchers in Washington DC, USA.

Finally, we wish to thank the donors to the Landmine Monitor initiative and its third annual report. Landmine Monitor Report 2001 reflects the author's views and Landmine Monitor's donors are in no way responsible for, and do not necessarily endorse, the material contained in this report. It was only possible to carry out this work with the aid of grants from:

We also thank the donors who have contributed to the individual members of the Landmine Monitor Core Group and other participating organizations.