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Cote d'Ivoire

Last Updated: 10 September 2012

Support for Mine Action

Support for Mine Action

In 2011, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency provided SEK4.5 million (US$746,786) to Côte d’Ivoire through the Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) of the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) to conduct explosive ordnance disposal operations.[1]

UNMAS also used $638,531 for coordination and $2,055,769 for operations from the UN peacekeeping assessed budget to address an unexploded ordnance problem as a result of an explosion at an ammunition storage facility.[2]

The contributions in 2011 for Côte d’Ivoire totaled $3,441,086.


[1] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Maria Linderyd Linder, Deputy Director, Head of Section, Department for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden, 24 April 2012. Sweden Average exchange rate for 2011: SEK6.4878=US$1. US Federal Reserve, “List of Exchange Rates (Annual),” 3 January 2012. UNMAS, “2011 Annual Report,” p. 45.

[2] UNMAS, “2011 Annual Report,” p. 106.