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Korea, North

Last Updated: 24 August 2014

Mine Action

Contamination and Impact

The precise extent of the mine problem in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is not known. North Korea admitted in 1998 that it had laid mines in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the north and south of the peninsula. The affected areas are reported to be marked and fenced.[1] In early 2006, officials commented to the Mine Ban Treaty Implementation Support Unit (ISU) that North Korea had not laid mines elsewhere in the country,[2] despite fears that, among others, sections of the east coast were also mined.

Mine Action Program

North Korea has no functioning mine action program.


[1] Statement by Counselor Kim Sam Jong, Permanent Mission of North Korea to the UN, New York, 4 December 1998, in “Official Records of the UN General Assembly, 53rd Session, 79th plenary meeting” (New York: UN General Assembly, 4 December 1998), A/53/pv79, pp. 8–9.

[2] Email from Kerry Brinkert, Director, ISU, 1 February 2006.