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Last Updated: 02 October 2012

Mine Ban Policy

Mine Ban Policy Overview

Mine Ban Treaty status

Not a State Party

Pro-mine ban UNGA voting record

Voted in favor of Resolution 66/29 in December 2011, for the sixth consecutive year

Participation in Mine Ban Treaty meetings

Observer delegation attended the Eleventh Meeting of States Parties in November–December 2011


The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has not yet acceded to the Mine Ban Treaty. The FSM has stated that it has never produced or stockpiled antipersonnel mines.[1]

The FSM attended as an observer to the Eleventh Meeting of State Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty in November–December 2010 in Phnom Penh, but did not make any statement. It did not attend the intersessional Standing Committee meetings in Geneva in May 2012.

In November 2011, a draft resolution recommending accession to the Mine Ban Treaty was presented to the 17th Congress of the FSM, but failed to pass.[2] A previous draft resolution approving accession was submitted and failed in 2009.[3]

Representatives of the mission of the Marshall Islands based in Fiji met with Special Envoy on the Universalization Prince Mired in August 2011 during which they were invited “to participate in the work of this Convention even while their accession deliberations continue.”[4]

In October 2009, an FSM representative said the Mine Ban Treaty is not a legislative priority as the country is not impacted by, nor has it ever used, mines.[5]

A United States (US) Department of State cable made public by Wikileaks in August 2011 provides US views on Micronesia’s accession to the Mine Ban Treaty.[6] According to the September 2009 cable from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US officials met representatives from the Marshall Islands, the FSM, and Palau on 2 December 1997, one day before the Mine Ban Treaty Signing Conference was held, “at the latter three’s request to discuss their potential signature/ratification of the Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel landmines.” During the meeting, the US said that “adherence to the Convention is up to each state based on its assessment of its own national interest,” but emphasized that “the U.S. would not adhere to the Ottawa Convention and that adherence by the other three states could conflict with defense provisions of the respective bilateral Compacts of Free Association.” In an interview with the Monitor in October 2010, a government representative stated that one of the primary reasons why the FSM has not joined the Mine Ban Treaty is that defense arrangements with the US require the FSM to consult with the US on all military matters.[7]

Two days after the 1997 meeting, on 4 December 1997, the Marshall Islands signed the Mine Ban Treaty, while Palau acceded a decade later on 18 November 2007. The cable notes that the US “raised these same concerns” with Palau “in advance” of its accession to the Mine Ban Treaty and said Palau “determined that the Ottawa Convention did not conflict with the Compact of Free Association.”

The FSM is not party to the Convention on Conventional Weapons.


[1] Letter from M.J. Mace, Assistant Attorney General, FSM, 11 December 1998.

[2] Council Resolution No. 17-70. 17th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, 9 November 2011, submitted by Representative Florencio S. Harper; Landmine Monitor meeting with Micronesian delegation, Phnom Penh, 30 November 2011.

[3] “Draft Resolution Ratifying the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,” CR No. 16-10, introduced by Joe N. Suka, 28 May 2009, www.fsmcongress.fm.

[4] Statement by Prince Mired Raad Al Hussein of Jordan, Special Envoy on the Universalization, Mine Ban Treaty Eleventh Meeting of States Parties, Phnom Penh, 1 December 2011, http://www.apminebanconvention.org/meetings-of-the-states-parties/11msp/what-happened/day-5-thursday-1-december/statements/?eID=dam_frontend_push&docID=13865.

[5] ICBL meeting with Martin Zvachula, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the FSM to the UN in New York, 19 October 2009. See ICBL, “Report on CMC/ICBL Lobby Meetings: UNGA First Committee on Disarmament and International Security, New York, 12–23 October 2009.”

[6] “Concerns on Marshall Islands Ratification of the Ottawa Convention,” US Department of State cable 09STATE91952 dated 3 September 2009, released by Wikileaks on 26 August 2011, www.cablegatesearch.net.

[7] Interview with Martin Zvachula, Permanent Mission of the FSM to the UN in New York, 19 October 2010.