Mine Action
Contamination and Impact
Oman is believed to have a small residual mine/unexploded ordnance problem from a 1964–1975 internal conflict between the government and a separatist group, the communist Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Gulf. The problem is believed to be mostly in the Dhofar region in the south, but its precise extent remains unknown. In 2007, the Ministry of Defense reported that “almost 99%” of mined areas had been cleared and all remaining suspected hazardous areas were marked and fenced.[1] Oman is not believed to be affected by cluster munition remnants.
Mine Action Program
There is no mine action program in Oman and the extent of any demining by the army is not known. The Royal Oman Police has a Special Task Force that deals with any explosive devices.[2]
[1] Interview with Col. Abdelaziz Al Mahrun, Office of the Chief of Staff, Ministry of Defense, in Geneva, 24 April 2007.
[2] Royal Oman Police, “About ROP: Special Task Force,”
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