Sierra Leone
Mine Ban Policy
The Republic of Sierra Leone signed the Mine Ban Treaty on 29 July 1998 and ratified it on 25 April 2001, becoming a State Party on 1 October 2001. Sierra Leone has not produced or exported antipersonnel mines. Limited quantities of mines were used in various civil conflicts. Sierra Leone has not enacted new legislation specifically to implement the Mine Ban Treaty. On 9 February 2004, Sierra Leone submitted its initial Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 report, due 20 March 2002, but has not submitted subsequent reports.
Sierra Leone destroyed its stockpile of between 956 and 959 antipersonnel mines (the exact number was not confirmed) on 11 February 2003.
Sierra Leone did not attend any Mine Ban Treaty meetings in 2010 or the first half of 2011.
Sierra Leone is party to the Convention on Conventional Weapons and its Amended Protocol II on landmines and Protocol V on explosive remnants of war.
There are no known mined areas but Sierra Leone has residual unexploded ordnance contamination.
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