Support for Mine Action
The government of Afghanistan only began contributing to its mine action program in 2009. The Department of Mine Clearance reported that in 2009 the value of the 50 contracts awarded to national commercial demining organizations was US$2,803,607.[1]
In June 2009 the government of Afghanistan agreed to contribute $2,600,000 for mine clearance in support of the development of the Aynak copper mine in Logar province. Of this, $1,277,000 was used in Afghan year 1388 (1 April 2009–31 March 2010); the remainder will be spent in Afghan year 1389 (1 April 2010–31 March 2011).[2]
In 2009, 18 governments, the European Commission (EC), and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) contributed $106,555,763, approximately the same amount as in 2008. Thirteen of the 20 donors made their contributions, totaling approximately $60 million, through the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Clearance.[3]
For Afghan year 1388 (1 April 2009–31 March 2010) the Mine Action Coordination Center for Afghanistan (MACCA) reported receiving $77,437,589 from 18 governments, the EC, and the UN.[4]
International contributions: 2009[5]
Donor |
Sector |
Amount (national currency) |
Amount ($) |
EC |
Clearance |
€22,000,000 |
30,657,000 |
United States |
Clearance, victim assistance |
$28,370,000 |
28,370,000 |
Canada |
Clearance |
C$12,902,966 |
11,306,482 |
Germany |
Clearance |
€5,319,314 |
7,412,464 |
Netherlands |
Clearance |
€3,374,241 |
4,702,005 |
Australia |
Clearance |
A$5,200,000 |
4,122,040 |
Denmark |
Clearance |
DKK17,500,000 |
3,266,550 |
Spain |
Clearance |
€2,335,000 |
3,253,823 |
Norway |
Clearance |
NOK19,095,000 |
3,035,341 |
Finland |
Clearance |
€1,900,000 |
2,647,650 |
Sweden |
Clearance |
SEK15,000,000 |
1,959,750 |
Italy |
Victim assistance |
€900,000 |
1,254,150 |
Ireland |
Clearance |
€800,000 |
1,114,800 |
Japan |
Clearance |
¥122,754,000 |
1,309,785 |
Belgium |
Clearance |
€500,000 |
696,750 |
Austria |
Clearance |
€435,000 |
606,173 |
Czech Republic |
Clearance |
$423,000 |
423,000 |
Luxembourg |
Clearance |
€215,285 |
300,000 |
Oman |
Risk education |
N/R |
100,000 |
Clearance |
$18,000 |
18,000 |
Total |
106,555,763 |
N/R = not reported
Summary of contributions: 2005–2009[6]
Year |
Amount ($) |
2009 |
106,555,763 |
2008 |
105,070,944 |
2007 |
86,274,716 |
2006 |
87,534,418 |
2005 |
66,800,000 |
Total |
452,235,841 |
[1] Email from MACCA, 11 May 2010.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Email from Julia Goehsing, Programme Officer, Resource Mobilization Unit, UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS), 23 April 2010.
[4] Email from MACCA, 11 May 2010.
[5] Email from Klaus Koppetsch, Desk Officer, Mine Action Task Force for Humanitarian Aid, German Federal Foreign Office, 8 April 2010; response to Monitor questionnaire by Ira Amin, Intern, Multilateral Peace Policy Section, Directorate of Political Affairs, Political Affairs Division IV, Human Security, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, 20 April 2010; email from Miki Nagashima, Conventional Arms Division, Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 13 May 2010; email from Derek Taylor, Acting Director, Iraq and Middle East Section, AusAID, 27 May 2010; response to Monitor questionnaire by Amb. Lars-Erik Wingren, Department for Disarmament and Non-proliferation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 17 March 2010; email from Hanne B. Elmelund Gam, Department of Humanitarian and NGO Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 10 May 2010; email from Gerhard Zank, South East Asia Desk Officer, HALO Trust, 15 July 2010; email from Craig Nightingale, Finance Officer, Mines Advisory Group, 9 June 2010; email from Mark Fitzpatrick, Programme Manager, Department for International Development, 14 June 2010; response to Monitor questionnaire by Vilde Rosén, Advisor, Humanitarian Disarmament Department for UN, Peace and Humanitarian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 13 April 2010; US Department of State, “To Walk the Earth in Safety 2010,” Washington, DC, July 2010; Canada Article 7 Report (for the period 19 April 2009 to 20 April 2010), Form J; email from Josine Uijterlinde, Humanitarian Aid Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 May 2010; Spain Article 7 Report, Form J, 30 April 2010; Italy Convention on Conventional Weapons Amended Protocol II Article 13 Report, Form B, 25 September 2009; email from Julia Goehsing, UNMAS, 23 April 2010; email from MACCA, 11 May 2010; email from Wolfgang Bányai, Department for Arms Control and Disarmament, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, 28 May 2010; response to Monitor questionnaire by Ruaidhri Dowling, Deputy Director, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Section, Department of Foreign Affairs, 23 February 2010; and email from Maria Cruz Cristóbal, Mine Action Desk, Security Policy Unit, Directorate-General for External Relations, European Commission, 16 June 2010. Average exchange rates for 2009: €1=US$1.3935; C$1=US$0.87627; A$1=US$0.7927; DKK1=US$0.18666; NOK1=US$0.15896; SEK1=US$0.13065; ¥1=US$0.01067. US Federal Reserve, “List of Exchange Rates (Annual),” 4 January 2010.
[6] See Landmine Monitor Report 2009, p. 128; Landmine Monitor Report 2008, pp. 104–106; Landmine Monitor Report 2007, pp. 110–113; and Landmine Monitor Report 2006, pp. 107–109.
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